Dorchester Not for Sale
Dorchester Not for Sale is a coalition of Dorchester residents and organizations worried about our community’s future. We are tenants, homeowners, and small landlords who live, work and play in Dorchester. We come from all walks of life and include Vietnamese, Cape Verdean Creole, Spanish and English voices of the community. We have been reaching out and discussing ways to make sure that #PlanGlovers does not displace any current residents, lead to good and higher incomes, protects the ethnic and cultural enclaves, improves community safety and quality of life for all, and centers those most impacted.
We are committed to building a multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-generational REAL community process that centers Dorchester residents most at risk of displacement in decision making. We will build together and fight for a vision of what we want and need in our community and seek unity as tenants, homeowners, and small landlords.
Our alliance includes the following groups: Asian American Resource Workshop (AARW), New England United for Justice (NEU4J), Mass Affordable Housing Alliance, Greater Bowdoin Geneva Neighborhood Association, City Life / Vida Urbana, Dorchester People for Peace.
Check out our Facebook Page for more details and future events.